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대한재난의학회 > 뉴스 > 최근동향

제목 공지 | 2023년도 대한재난의학회 교육위원회 K-HICS PROVIDER 과정 개최 건

글쓴이 대한재난의학회 날짜 23-11-25 08:06 조회수 4,713



The Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) Purpose
HICS is an incident management system based on principles of the Incident Command System (ICS), which assists hospitals and healthcare organizations in improving their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for unplanned and planned events. HICS is consistent with ICS and the National Incident Management System (NIMS) principles.
The principal beneficiaries of HICS will continue to be anyone with a response role during a crisis including hospital physicians, nurses, and administrators. Community partners with whom hospitals collaborate (e.g., public safety, local health department, emergency management, etc.) as well as students of emergency management will find the information on this website useful in understanding healthcare response issues and incident command practices and tools used during various events with health impacts.

○ 사전등록기간 : 2023. 11. 24.(금) ~ 2023. 12. 1.(금)
○ 등록비 : 카카오뱅크 3333-23-9468118 (예금주 : 최대해 HICS EC )
○ 기타 사항
- PROVIDER 이론과정만 이수하신 분은 실습과정을 이수해야 강사과정에 참여할 수 있습니다.
- 기타문의사항 : 이메일(, 010-8565-0044.  끝